Become a Moderator!

Do you have a passion for a Forums subject, and enjoy participating in the discussions on our forums? You could become a Forum Moderator! Moderators are volunteers who participate actively in our forums, keeping track of our discussions. They keep the flow of conversation going by energizing the discussion, and reporting any inappropriate activity. They are the mainstay of keeping the forums at safe, interesting, and informative. If you have ever participated on a forum and had your conversation interrupted by a “troll” who attempts to sell you something, or who is abusive or “hijacks” the thread by … Continue reading

Meet a Blogger – Valorie Delp!

Welcome to a new series here in Media Reviews, where we will get to know our bloggers a little bit better. Our first interview will be with Valorie Delp. Valorie, how long have you blogged for I started in June of 2006. What topics do you blog about? Currently–homeschooling, food and baby (or as someone else aptly put it–the breastfeeding blog) What is your favorite thing about blogging for There are lots of things I like–but one thing that stands out here vs just a plain old freelance writing job, is the community. You get to know … Continue reading

My Favorite Freebies at Dillons 12/12 – 12/18

There are some pretty good deals this week at Dillons (finally – it’s been a while!). I’m in Kansas City, and I’m not sure how widespread these deals are. Dillons is part of the Kroger company, so I imagine that some of the same deals can be found in Kroger stores in other parts of the nation, but the sale dates may vary. Please leave a comment with your location to tell me if you’re having luck with these deals too! Oh – by the way, Dillons doubles coupons. In my area, any coupon $.50 or below is doubled; and … Continue reading

Why am I Writing this Weight Loss Blog?

I have never found an online forum on weight loss where the moderator/writer was someone who had been obese and made it to “the other side”. Who better to talk with people who want to lose weight than someone who has felt their pain and been through everything that they are going through? I am passionate about this topic because I live it! At my heaviest, I weighed 265. I’m not proud of that, but I don’t mind saying it because I know that there are other people out there who have gone over that 200-pound mark and they may … Continue reading

Sweetie Tags

Have you heard about Sweetie Tags, yet? They are really awesome graphics images that you can use as a personal signature for your forum posts here at What is more, they are personally custom designed with your own photos and sayings. I was lucky enough to interview the maker of Sweetie Tags, mama2riley, also known as Melissa, and a Sr. Moderator here in the forums. Mary Ann: What is a Sweetie Tag? Melissa: A Sweetie Tag is a graphic image that I design for use as a personal signature. Most tag makers have their own watermark for their tags. … Continue reading